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Maximize Your Life


Some of the topics people often ask us about.

Are you guys completely independent?

Yes, we are in no way affiliated with any organization, group, supplier, political movement or any other party that might influence us in any way.

How do I know the information you share is reliable?

The articles we post are based on studies conducted by professionals and have been checked against publicly available data published by respected publishers. However, nothing is unconditional and, especially in the field of science, multiple interpretations are possible and/or findings may be superseded or refuted by new research with a different result. Therefore, always do your own research and consult a medical professional before doing anything related to your personal health.

Do you have a community and can I join it?

Unfortunately not yet, but we plan to use this platform to bring together and unite people with the same mindset and outlook on life to form a community to help and support each other. Sign up for our newsletter so we can keep you informed about this and other things.

Do you organize events or other happenings?

Not yet, but we are planning to. We are currently exploring the possibilities and hope to organize our first event soon. If you want to stay up to date and not miss anything, sign up for our newsletter!

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